data science topics for actuaries

My name is Simon and I am a practicing general insurance actuary. I wanted to share code that would be useful for actuaries who are learning to use R and/or transitioning from other statistical programming. This website will be occasionally updated with new material and references. I have assumed that the user has a basic understanding of general insurance pricing concepts as well as an understanding of R. The code has been only tested by myself and is not guaranteed to work in any way.

The materials have been given an update in August 2021 after a dormant period of 2 years. I have updated to the latest blogdown setup, fixed a number of bugs in the old code, run on the latest version of R, added new links and comments, and revised sections of the content.

This site was built using blogdown hugo-xmin theme, pushed to github, hosted by netlify, with an domain. All of the posts on the website can be found below: